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Frequently Asked
How long does SMP last?SMP can be expected to last between 3-6 years without needing freshening-up. Because the treatment is in the dermal layer of the scalp, it can be expected to fade slightly over time depending on the individuals skin type, sun exposure, after care and so on. However, any fading areas are easily fixed with touch-up treatments. Occasionally, depending on the clients skin and aftercare, treatments have been known to last well, up to 10 years! Don't forget that this treatment uses carbon ink to replicate the follicules, and whilst carbon can fade, it is permanent. Laser being an option to remove if required later in life.
Is SMP the same as a hair transplant?No. Hair Transplants involve lengthy & costly surgery, that actually remove hair follicles from one area of the scalp, and re-implant them into balding region. SMP is a much less invasive & cheaper treatment, being performed over several sessions, where micro impressions are made in the scalp, replicating the appearance of stubble length hair. While SMP may not produce fresh new hair, like a hair transplant could, there is next to no risk of complications, severe pain and wasted time recovering, plus, with SMP, you walk out with a 'full' head of hair at the end of session 2 or 3, not after a year (and that's if the surgery took!)
Is SMP Painful?Generally, no. SMP is a cosmetic tattoo procedure which implants pigment into the shallow dermal layer of the skin. Some sensitive areas of the scalp near the temples and hairline can be more prone to stinging but most clients generally find the treatment very mild, with many relaxing and falling asleep. We do not offer the use of numbing cream for 99% of clients., as its simply not needed.
Can SMP make my hair grow back?No. However there have been some reports that needle penetration on the scalp has improved blood flow, which in some rare instances causes some mild hair growth. This is not guaranteed though, and should certainly not be the desired outcome.
Do I need to keep my hair cut short?This depends on the extent of your hair loss. Individuals with mild hair loss who aren't undergoing rapid hair loss, could be candidates for a density treatment, which helps to disguise thinning and gives the look of a fuller head of hair. Density treatments do not require you to cut your hair almost all of the time. Density is available for those with fuller heads of hair, on a case to case basis. Otherwise, anyone with extensive hair loss is generally recommended to commit to the buzz cut. The experience of shaving is liberating and it can feel great to take control! Once you take the leap and commit to SMP, it is important to maintain a short cut to ensure your SMP blends seamlessly with your natural hair, this is very easy & painless with modern trimmers, which of course, we can recommend & provide. Most clients take just 60seconds each morning to buzz their hair so they are always looking fresh and on point.
What length should my hair be trimmed to suit SMP?It's recommended to use a 0 - 1 trimmer length. Most people will opt for an orbital trimmer to achieve this to make the task simple and fast.
Will SMP match my natural hair colour?Yes! In fact, many don't realise this, but hair, when cut down to the follicle, is simply various shades of grey! The hair only begins to pigment about 1mm from the scalp. So we use carbon pigments to custom colour match to the shade of your individual hair follicule, perfectly.
What if my hair turns grey or recedes further?What ever colour your hair, when it is cut close to the scalp it will appear to be a shade of grey, ranging from light silver grey to almost black. It is also worth noting that the pigment, in general, fades at a similar rate to that in which the hair turns grey. But if for any reason, your natural hair suddenly turns much lighter than your current SMP, without a chance to recover its original shade, laser is always an option to quickly remove any darker spots! One session should be enough to lighten and give your artist room to match your SMP once again. This is not something that has happened to any clients, but it's important to know your options as you age, so you know what to expect, if it happens to you. As for further hair loss, we always work into the edge of your existing hair to seamlessly blend our SMP with your existing hair. If your hair continues to recede past this point, a touch-up session can quickly re-blend & freshen up the SMP.
My hair is red, ginger, blonde etc.. Will SMP work for me if it's just black ink?When you look at a strand of hair from the side you can see it's colour, but when viewed from the end, looking from the top, down, it's a shade of grey. This can be anything from black all the way through to a light silver grey. When the hair is cut to the appropriate length (5 o'clock shadow) it will appear as a shade of grey over the scalp and your treatment is applied accordingly with the ink graded to the correct custom shade.
Is everyone a good candidate for SMP?People who have skin disorders such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or a history of skin cancer may not be a good candidate. Prior to treatment, all clients are required to complete a medical history questionnaire and consent form, from which an informed decision will be made as to your suitability. Should you require a copy of these prior to your appointment we will be happy to provide them for you.
Is the aftercare extensive immediately following the procedure?No. The aftercare is straight forward, and a full post treatment plan will be provided for you upon completion of your first treatment. You will need to avoid water & sun for a period of time and avoid sweating profusely in the first 3 days post treatment.
What if for some reason I want to reverse the procedure?Laser is always an option. If for some reason down the track, you decide you want a smooth +naked, bald head, there are laser clinics we can recommend. Pricing & timeframe for removal, will depend on your personal consultation.
How much will the treatment cost?Pricing varies and is dependant on your level of hair loss and the work required to bring that coverage & hair line back. But as a rough guide, SMP can begin from $500 for a small fill and exceed $2800 for those Norwood 6/7's +. Density treatments are around $500 - $800 per session. This is due to the complexity of working around existing hair. Every head is a little different, and every client's needs are unique, so every client is priced accordingly. To help assess this, we use the Norwood scale, a scale developed to help gauge the level of hair loss on an individual. If you would like to receive an easy, obligation free quote or in-person consultation, please don't hesitate to get in contact with us via our contact page.
How long does the process take?After your initial consultation, the average client will require about three to four sessions. Each session will generally last between 2 and 5 hours, depending on coverage required. If you require a touch up, this is complimentary within 12 months of your treatment.
Will I require ongoing treatments?While SMP is a permanent treatment, due to sun exposure, genetics and general life, carbon molecules can eventually fade. However, the time between touch up treatments typically spans anywhere between 3 and 10 years, depending on your body! Touch up treatments are considerably cheaper than initial treatments and only require a single, short session, to make your SMP crisp and new again. Any initial touch-ups (due to fallout from sweating & settling, etc) are complimentary within the first 12 months following treatment.
How long will my SMP last?The pigments used by Inkle CC are very stable once implanted into the skin. Once the procedure is complete, your new SMP can last for many years to come, especially when it's looked after (wear those hats and slip, slop, slap!) Everyone has slightly different skin and as a result, the life span of SMP can vary. If any fall out or fading occurs, remember, its only a short session to get your SMP to look fresh and crisp again.
What type of pigments are used? Are they safe?We use organic carbon pigments created specifically for SMP. These pigments are formulated to set into the skin (the dermis) of the scalp once implanted, resulting in very fine, crisp and clear, follicle replications. We do not use regular tattoo inks or permanent make up pigments as the quality is not conducive to SMP. If you have any questions about our pigments, you can always reach out to us via our socials or contact us page, we will only be too happy to pass on any information to our clients, so you can make the best decision for you.
Do your pigments change colour?No, our pigments do not change 'colour' or contain green's or blue's. It is the deterioration of the iron oxides in some tattoo inks and PMU pigments that can cause discolouration. Or; During the initial healing process, the new skin growing over the "punctures" can throw off a blue hue. This is due to the natural cool tones of some clients and may remedy itself over a brief period. Or; Older clients with thin skin can throw off a natural 'blue' or 'purple' hue. This is normal and natural and SMP will not change this. Our skin is a filter and the hairs underneath will appear as they appear. Its important to understand this to create the most natural look for each and every client. Every client has different overtones and undertones. Our skilled artists are knowledgeable in this area to ensure a perfect colour match to your natural look. We want to bring 'YOUR' hairline back, not create someone else's hairline on you.
Will my treatment be confidential?Absolutely! Some clients seek to maintain complete discretion when it comes to their treatment and we guarantee that their personal details and treatment photos, will not be disclosed to any third parties or published on our website or used in our advertising material without prior written consent. There is also the option to totally or partially cover your face and/or any identifying features, to maintain your privacy, whilst still sharing your treatment results. Your SMP results can assist others in their decision to embark upon their own SMP journey and is always appreciated.

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